LOVE must be the power behind our actions, also the reason to fight...

Please introduce your project in the way you think the most adequate.

As you know, I act (apart from one or two more artistic activities) in more than one music-project. But THE DAYS OF THE TRUMPET CALL is the project attached most to my person. Here I can express directly my views and feelings... That again for the same reason why I contribute VON THRONSTAHL; - I feel that certain things must be said, or better concerning THE DAYS OF THE TRUMPET CALL - must be expressed, because they have not only to do with me personally, but with life, with the threatening state man has brought himself in and his world. It is my way of resisting what is called "modern life"; by evoking feelings, images, thoughts - even visions, which are opposed to the decay surrounding us - at least that is what I hope to do. And that is why I have always been doing this kind of things - and also why I started this project (in 1998).

I think it's not only me who find your "Purification" CD stylistically coming very much close with VON THRONSTAHL works where you are involved in as well. Could you outline the most principal differences between both projects?

The differences between VON THRONSTAHL and THE DAYS OF THE TRUMPET CALL are not very big, but important for me. In general the music evolves from one source - but then follows slightly different directions. ...And in VON THRONSTAHL then fuses with the ideas of my friend and comrade Josef K. - therefor becomes a bit more indirect concerning my very own activity. That is just how things developed. I regard VON THRONSTAHL more solar and THE DAYS OF THE TRUMPET CALL more lunar; VON THRONSTAHL more "exoteric" and the other more "esoteric", one 'louder' than the other - THE DAYS OF THE TRUMPET CALL more contemplative than VON THRONSTAHL... But definitely both are attached to similar ideas - expressed from a different point of view. As said - things developed that way; it's not easy to put that in words. Comparing both projects is ok, as long as you keep in mind that they are not at all competitive.

Is it possible to reveal the musical orientation of THE DAYS OF THE TRUMPET CALL? It seems you are very influenced by classical organ music - masses, fugues, etc

I wouldn't call it so much orientation - rather, but not directly, influence. The music really comes from my interior self. Obviously influenced by music which over the years touched me right there - deep inside. Masses, fugues - yes, many great symphonies, but also by old Celtic music, medieval music (and I am also a great admirer of Russian music - like so mystical choirs) etc.

Let's talk a bit about the neo-classic music scene in general. How do you like it? How many worthy names come to your mind?

Worthy names which come to my mind are for instance THE PROTAGONIST, IN THE NURSERY and a few others - but from the rather small number of names you can see that I wouldn't exactly call myself a great expert on "the scene". I also like very much the more 'neo-folk' oriented groups like ARGINE, also the German ORPLID... These days I was able to listen to the new ARGINE album. -Wonderful. Salute to Italy!... There are many things I like... but I am not a great scene-person.

Do you take an interest in contemporary classical/academic music?

Well, to be honest - only a little. A friend of mine is a professional musician and composer in this kind of music. It's often more for the intellect rather than for heart and soul - often very interesting, also an interesting hearing-experience; - but contemporary 'classical' music is seldom my taste.

The history of THE DAYS OF THE TRUMPET CALL... What was before? I've known that you did your first steps into music together with Josef K. in early 80ies... Please dwell on those days more detailed...

Concerning music - yes, it all started when in the past days of our youth Josef and me played in a kind of cross-over punk band together (rhythm-e-guitar was my part, Josef was singer). It was called the CIRCLE OF SIG TIU. We produced a few LPs and features for compilations... In this country we moved quite a lot in those days; always loud, always in trouble... - days which are over now. For a while after that I mainly concentrated on a few other non-musical but artistic activities. Later I also started one or two minor music-projects, bands which usually turned out to be a failure - it is not easy to find people you can rely on - and for that reason I gave up the idea of "a band" and still dislike that idea a bit for myself. - I quite like the way I work nowadays ...on my own, or together with the seldom friend who proved over all those years to be reliable - and occasionally with support of other musicians.

Which were/are other artistic activities of yours, by the way? Have they a point of intersection and how much they determine each other?

Painting is one of these activities - and some writing here and then. The point of intersection is: me - my life, thoughts, visions, ideas... But the different activities are just ways of expressing thoughts or emotions (...) in different ways; like - what I write I couldn't put in music - but it's the same person concerning the same ideas. There's a stronger point of intersection between my painting perhaps and the music - and I have often thought of focusing more on that in future; I'll see.

Are there more fields in art where you would like to try your strength?

Oh no - honestly, I think that's just about enough. Although I have 'always' been doing music in some way or another, there were a few years were I concentrated more on painting than on anything else ..but than got more and more into music. So I'd definitely like to find time to intensify my painting again... however, music has become the main and most adequate form of expression for me.

"Purification". From what? And by means of what?

Purification - the return to true values, values from above time and world. - Getting rid of those many things, ideas etc. - actually more the ideas, thoughts and beliefs you were told are important, which fit into this darkness called modern world - ...return to the light which shines in the darkness, to truth.

Ok. If to evolve far the ideological content of this work, which sources - philosophical, religious, political, social doctrines, etc - could you recollect to understand the album in the plainest and clearest way?

The basic ideas you will find in everything I do, not specifically on this album. Each piece of work is just dedicated to a different aspect. -All being part of one total work and part of myself. Basically it is always the view of the darkness, the decline - and of the light which shines in the darkness - hope, and being convinced of the dawn of a new day. My religious sources are mainly and deeply my Christian faith. Though I have no great sympathy for the modern western church and it's shallow Christianity - where "humanity" is in general regarded as more than divinity. No, my faith is more orthodox and it's spiritual 'direction' is upwards - in difference to the horizontal we-are-all-just-humans belief - of what is left of faith in the modern world.
In a political way - I believe in the old basic idea of monarchy; also I don't regard myself as anti-democratic. I found a lot of my ideas in the inspiring speeches of Donoso Corts, which he made to the Spanish parliament over 100 years ago...
There are many philosophers and political thinkers I find true and inspiring, from different and sometimes controversy directions - like Corts, Evola, Nietzsche, even parts of Rudolf Steiner, Christian Morgenstern, K.G. Jung; "The noble and the Christian" by a German catholic author called Richard Egenter - a book which moved me very much; Hildegard v. Bingen; a contemporary name: Martin Schwarz; very much speeches by a great person Josef K. and me are proud to call a friend: the German priest Hans Milch (r.i.p.), ..and many others - religion is my direction; I don't follow so much a certain philosophical path.
...Oh, I got slightly lost now - this won't help to understand my work, or will it? However, the basic idea and reason for my work is recognizing the decay spreading all over Europe, the destruction of values and belief; the darkness this thrusts upon us all - just as much here as in your part of the world... and to plant into our consciousness that there is a different way, the path of light of true spirituality and tradition. The primary aspect of my music is evoking visions - of darkness and of light, of death and of life, of sadness and hope; - more as a feeling, an idea or presentiment (just looked that word up in the dictionary - German: 'Ahnung'), less in actual thoughts or words.

This album is also dedicated to Natalie, Claire and Helen Sound like the names of earthy women

Earthy women?... That's my dear wife (Natalie) and my little ones. Eternal thanks to my family - my stronghold. Love is a mighty power...

One of your songs is entitled "Mourning Song (for my generation)". Is a generation like this worth any sorrow? And it suddenly hit on my mind that THE DAYS OF THE TRUMPET CALL is much less misanthropic than VON THRONSTAHL

No, I am not misanthropic at all. And even if VON THRONSTAHL gives that impression - it's also not misanthropic, but perhaps seems a little more like that. I have always been convinced, that regarding the world - we may turn around and look upon the world beneath, but never forgetting that we ourselves are looked upon too, from heaven. This idea of looking down upon the world, upon our time, and the people who believe in the false values of this world and feeling and knowing ourselves above - may create this misanthropic touch. But it is not a way of looking with hatred at the people; - victims, a lost generation - but nevertheless people, creatures as myself - deserving all pity. (...Rather nasty, I must admit.) LOVE must be the power behind our actions, also the reason to fight. The lack of this mighty power is the main aspect of the unholy spirit of decay and darkness.

Hate is also very creative power What do you think about it's use in art, in music?

I don't believe that hatred is a creative power. To hate means to destroy (yourself in the end). Yes, hate can be a strong power, you can lay much of it into your actions - arts, music... - but what for? To achieve what? Than you have already been defeated inside by darkness. This darkness is like a disease and we must be very careful not to be infected. We must stand clearly on the other side. We serve the sun in midst the darkness. And remember - Love your enemy" ...just don't forget that it is an enemy! - Wroth can be a strong force.

This year is 10th since USSR disintegration. What comes to your mind as regards this date?

Regarding the world as a battlefield of good and evil powers for our soul - communism is one of the evil systems. Not so much for it's economical side, but far more for it's anti-religious aspect. Sure, in it's roots it has a kind of strong and even spiritual feeling - but it is a godless and therefor dark spiritual force. I think the religion in the ex USSR had enough to suffer from that - and with it the people, who have a very old and deep spirituality... Although it seems nowadays that economy is the only thing in which people are interested - in your country and in mine! From the information I get here - I can see the massive problems the disintegration of the USSR caused. But I think it is a painful process, the birth of something new to come when the time is right - with it's roots in what has been before. The system called USSR I believe was some kind of tragic interruption of the history of the eastern nations; a process breaking up world-wide, a struggle for destiny. - And that was definitely not communism. - And I don't think it can be found in adoption of the western killer-capitalism ! - Definitely freedom does not mean the rule of the burger king, does not mean to have 60 TV-channels etc... All those "...isms" are part of the decay. In my eyes the disintegration was a step towards victory - but the struggle is not over, and I pray that those nations, their people will be the winner - not just another faith-killing system. Huntington's "Clash of Civilizations" gives interesting views of dangers and chances concerning the new situation also in the East.

No, as regard the disintegration I would not use the word "victory" so far. Maybe, Baltic countries gain something due their particular geopolitical status. But for Russia each year of "reforms" costs 1 million of population and tens billion dollars, stolen and got out to Western banks I do not remember exactly who of former Soviet dissidents said this phrase: "We aimed at communism, but hit Russia", and that's what happened really. Even if do not touch the catastrophic economical and demographic situations, in Soviet time there were much more true Christians in Russia than today, as the road to church was desolate and covered with thorns sometimes I cannot call myself a Christian, but like them I do believe that God sends severe trials to those He loves Each tragedy, each fall give a chance for rising.

Yes, right - one must fall before another can rise, or rise again. The present situation itself is not so much of a victory (a step towards). That a deep religion remained also under communism - honors the depth and strength of Russian spirituality and religion - which is of course a lot older than communism and therefor has absolutely nothing to thank communism for; obviously.
One difference between the totalitarian system of communism and the other faithless system, the totalitarian capitalism of the West - is that communism didn't lie about it's goals. So I know (and things in the western countries prove it) that spirituality is a lot more endangered by "our" system. What communism didn't achieve - western materialism will complete could seem, if the decay had the power to win - which it hasn't; the "Endsieg" will be for the powers of life, of light and spirit. That is the victory I was thinking of - but there is still some time of darkness to come as the night is not over yet, not for you, not for us. That is the trial for the ones HE loves. Like a fire from which our future is forged.
.. and covered with thorns sometimes - beautiful wording. In a way I believe that is the path of faith through the world; with bare feet over stones and thorns. But it is also the law of this night, that what is good is a minority regarding the spirit of the world, that goodness is being suppressed, or perhaps even just laughed at - but a day will follow the night. Suppression is bad enough - but even worse may be temptation, the false promise of false freedom. Both are chains - one hurts, the other corrupts - and there is always something of one in the other. Both are dangerous like hell, both mean decay - both are evil sisters born by one unholy father. So no matter where we live - we ought to return to our roots, which decay tries to keep us from, we ought be very careful, awake and have faith as strong as iron - the victory will be on our side..

I did not read Samuel Huntington's "Clash of Civilisations" in original, though am quite familiar with the contents of this article. "The West against the Rest" On which side do you see Europe?

You are right - that's just about Huntington's conclusion - which I don't agree with either. Nevertheless he analyzed many present and new situations very brilliant. That's why I find the book interesting, for many facts, not for Huntington's conclusions.
Europe of course regards itself as western, no doubt about that. In a way that's not even wrong; many influences in what is called western ideology have their roots obviously in European tradition - but have definitely perverted in what is "the West" nowadays. The "official Europe" is part of the West, of the brave new world, - but there's a secret and sacred Europe -which is how I regard it: not part of something - but something very own. What is called "the West" is the ideology of decay - and modern Europe is it's willing victim ...but we pray, we hope and work for times to change, for a true European re-birth.

In the "Purification" booklet I have noticed obvious references to the time of crusades. Does it mean you see the Middle Ages as a model for new Europe, in spiritual aspect?

I wouldn't so much regard it as a model; but more as a great source of inspiration. We must look forward, go forward, in connection to our roots. For a new and true Europe the spirit and many achievements of the Middle Ages are important. Attracting my attention is also the idea of knighthood and the virtues which are attached to this idea.

Which and to where will be the next steps of THE DAYS OF THE TRUMPET CALL?

"Purification" was THE DAYS OF THE TRUMPET CALL debut album. Since then there has been a lot of hassle, but also masses of work and there was no chance to produce a new CD. But the harvest of all the work will be quite a few contributions to several compilations (with THE DAYS OF THE TRUMPET CALL and VON THRONSTAHL) coming out soon. Presently I am finishing off my work on a (limited) picture-vinyl release, due to come out in June (with graphic support from a Russian friend). After that I have the idea for a new CD - and in the second half of this year I want to concentrate on a concept for more live performance... - Enough to do - no end.

Russian friend? Do you mean a person living in Russia? Can I be curious who he (or she) is?

Yes, - and quite likely you have heard from him. - Igor Vaganov. Igor is also responsible for a web-site called "Achtung Baby!".

The world is small. Of course, I know him. Could you introduce your new work a little bit more? How much it's close to "Purification"?

As said, it will be a 10"-picture-vinyl (pictures by Igor V.). It will be named I Saw No Temple In The City". For my feeling the music is (compared to Purification") slightly calmer, more lyrical... I had some inspiration from the German poet R.M. Rilke... also from Dante. ...Honestly, I can't talk too much about it. - I am more interested in the listeners impression, you'll let me know your thoughts. I'm glad the record is more or less ready. Now I can concentrate on the next step; it's already forming.

As regards the compilations, I know that you did contribution for Arno Breker tribute on VAWS. Will it follow the way of Thorak tribute? I mean artists using sculptures as themes for their tracks If so, what was your choice?

Also the A.Breker-compilation follows this concept, yes. Sculptures, reliefs, mainly sculptures.. In this case I chose one called "Aufzug zum Kampf" (something like: "preparing for the battle/fight").

Is the future of THE DAYS OF THE TRUMPET CALL solo releases strictly connected with Black Rain label?

I am pleased to be with Black Rain because Gerald is always interested in my work and is a kind and reliable person. But there's no contract or other reason which makes it a 'must' for me to stay with Black Rain. There's the vague plan of an album with Cold Spring/UK, but for later on, so presently I am with Black Rain - I'll always be grateful for Gerald's help ...and that is ok.

Which kind of stuff this Black Rain label does release? I have heard only your CD. Are there more interesting releases?

Well known is FEINDFLUG, a great industrial kind of band. Most releases by Black Rain sound harder than my project. But they are also orientating towards calmer work. For instance they are soon going to take on a band from Lithuania called SALA.

It only left to touch live-side of THE DAYS OF THE TRUMPET CALL How much live performances are important for you? What they give you? And are you going this year to the Leipzig festival?

Live is not the most important thing for me, however- it's not unimportant. You can imagine that it is not so easy to perform my music; but it's very interesting for me to work on the music for a live concept (a kind of personal challenge). For the future I am hoping for more live with THE DAYS OF THE TRUMPET CALL than there was so far, sure. Now I'm in the 'planning phase' for some events for the second half of this year, one of them quite likely to be in Holland. ...For several reasons I will not be at the festival in Leipzig.

Some words for your choice to complete the interview.

Thank you very much for the interview. The contact to you / Stigmata-magazine and the contact to your country honors my work! Better times will come. All the best - European Greetings.

The interview was done for the second issue of Stigmata magazine.
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